No. 1: Devising Governance Mechanisms for International Refugee Protection

No. 2: Promoting international solidarity: handling public opinion and social media pressure on policymaking on international protection

No. 3: Between inclusion and exclusion: Protection under EU law for Russians refusing to perform military service

No. 4: The Legal Effects of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: EU Development Policy and Irregular Migration Management

No. 5: How to improve Refugee Status Determination

No. 6: Can vulnerability be saved as a concept for international protection?

No. 7: Involving Civil Society Organisations More Effectively in International Protection

No. 8: How to Increase Citizen Support to International Refugee Protection

No. 9: How to Improve Media Coverage to International Refugee Protection

No. 10: Unblurring the Lines: The Language of International Protection

No. 11: Lost in Migration. Which policies are needed to safeguard the international protection system?

No. 12: Virkningene av GRC og GMC på retten til internasjonal beskyttelse: Interaksjoner med allerede-eksisterende juridiske rammer for beskyttelse

No. 13: Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) og Global Compacts for Safe, Orderly and Regularly Migration (GCM): Samarbeid og utfordringer på internasjonalt nivå

No. 14: FNs nye flyktning- og migrasjonsplattform: Norges bidrag i flyktning- og migrasjonspolitikk