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New researcher at the University of Bergen

PROTECT and the University of Bergen-team is lucky to have Lisa-Marie Måseidvåg Selvik as our newest researcher! Lisa-Marie is a Ph.d. Candidate at the Department of Comparative Politics at the University of Bergen. Her PhD project analyses how civil society actors attempt to advance democratic rights in African democracies, by focusing on the policy-issue of […]


Every year since 1987, the Rafto Foundation, an international human rights organization in Bergen, Norway, recognizes human rights defenders and those fighting against oppression by awarding the Rafto Prize to people or organizations most deserving of it.

This year’s Rafto Prize laureate is the Human Rights Data Analysis Group (HRDAG) of San Francisco, California.

Project Leader Hakan G. Sicakkan reflects upon PROTECT’s first year

Covid-19 has not only slowed down our fieldwork but has also sneaked insidiously into all parts of PROTECT – into our survey questionnaires, interview guides, data grids, and discussion fora – as we encountered its effects on refugees and international protection in the natural course of our research. It is currently on its way into PROTECT’s global cleavage theory.

The Global Compacts and the Long Journey of the Refugee Regime

From the definition of refugees to the practical implementation of the right to asylum, refugee regimes are an issue leading to sharp political divisions or outright stand-off in a number of countries. Is this no-exit-road impression the truth of the matter, and what are the prospects of the Global Compact in this not-so-rosy scenario?