Since last you heard of us, we have: co-organized and participated in a policy roundtable in Brussels, held a webinar about the temporary protection of Ukrainian refugees, written more blogs, published more publications, gained new members, continued our collaboration with the UNHCR GAIN-network, reflected on the World Refugee Day as well as shared our Norway-specific findings with Norwegian decision-makers and researchers – and so much more!

During the last two years, our researchers have focused their efforts on collecting, processing, and analyzing data. Now, our first results have arrived and we are happy to share them with YOU! In addition to that, in the newsletter you can check out our newest promotion video, read about our upcoming policy roundtable as well as recent blogs by our researchers.

This fall, our researchers have organized a Midterm Conference and three virtual Expert Forums. Additionally, in this newsletter you can find a message from our Project Leader, a link to our newest promotion video, as well as read recent blogs by our researchers and get to know our newest colleagues and our Norwegian Dissemination and Communication Network, NORCOM.

With this newsletter, we would like to bring to your attention our second round of Expert Forums, which are specifically devised to address the legal impacts of the Global Compacts on Refugees and Migration. We also share the live talks and lively discussions from our Midterm Conference through a YouTube playlist.

In this newsletter, we invite you to take part in our Midterm Conference on 26-27 August where we present findings and invite top scholars and experienced policymakers to discuss their quality and potential impact. We also present our World Refugee Day blog series, showcase our first public deliverables and policy brief, and share some of our latest journal publications.

As PROTECT looks back at its first year, it also looks back on remote and online working and the impact of Covid-19 on the world and on research. In this newsletter we share some preliminary findings from our discursive social media research, reflect upon our first year and look at what 2021 has in store for us.
Newsletter archive:
Catch up with our latest dissemination activities
In 2020, our researchers have made substantial progress in collecting and analyzing data as well as successfully organizing three virtual Expert Forums. In recent months, they have also commented widely on a range of current and pressing issues such as the Moria fires, the humanitarian crisis on Lesvos, and the escalating tensions surrounding the EU’s asylum system and policy. Here, you can find a selection of some of our public contributions. You can also read recent blogs by our researchers and get to know our newest colleagues and our International Advisory Board.

Eight months in – what have we been up to?
Eight months have passed since we launched our project. Now, we are proud to share a myriad of news pieces, blog posts, and event updates with you – starting with a status report on the progress of our research