The Political Science and International Relations scholar from the University of Catania, Sicily takes office in May will serve for the term 2021-2027.
In an interview with ECPR, Irrera reflects upon her motivation and goals as a member of the Executive Committee:

– Most importantly, I am pleased to have the chance to help IR scholars become more involved and interested in joining ECPR events and activities, says Irrera about her recent electoral victory.
The ECPR Executive Committee for the period 2021-2024 will consist of six new and six ongoing members.
The full committee is:
- Ladislav Cabada Metropolitan University Prague
- Giliberto Capano Bologna University
- David Farrell University College Dublin
- Christian Haerpfer University of Vienna
- Daniela Irrera Universita di Catania
- Hana Kubátová Charles University
- Petra Meier University of Antwerp
- Gianluca Passarelli Sapienza University of Rome
- Anne Rasmussen University of Copenhagen
- Thomas Saalfeld University of Bamberg
- Sabine Saurugger Sciences Po Grenoble
- Amy Verdun University of Leiden
About Daniela Irrera
Daniela Irrera is Associate Professor of International Relations at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, where she serves as Erasmus Coordinator and Deputy Director for Internationalization and Research.
She is Secretary General of the Italian Political Science Association (SISP) and President of the European Peace Research Association (EuPRA).
Irrera is involved in PROTECT’s Work Package 5, where she researches CSOs and NGOs involved in international protection.
Photo: the University of Catania