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PROTECT Expert Forum 13-14 November 2020

Forum title: The Two UN Compacts – Refugees and Migrants: Challenges and Implementation in Europes When: 13-14 November 2020 Where: Online Hosts: Queen Mary University of London Background In 2019 the UN concluded two years of stocktaking and negotiations by adopting the Marrakesh Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (The Marrakesh Compact). The Compact […]

PROTECT partner presentations: The Queen Mary University of London

The Queen Mary University of London is one of PROTECT’s two UK-based teams. The team is led by the distinguished EU law and migration expert Elspeth Guild, joining her are the aspiring law scholar Kathryn Allinson and Nicolette Busuttil. Together, the team has followed the processes surrounding the UN Compacts on Migrants and Refugees closely and explored their potential in advancing the international protection system.