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Back to the future? Questioning EU’s renewed approach to returns and readmission

Migrants boarding plane accompanied by IOM officials

In February 2021, the European Commission published a new Communication on ‘Enhancing cooperation on return and readmission as part of a fair, effective and comprehensive EU migration policy’. The document, which outlines the first assessment on the state of readmission cooperation with third countries, identifies obstacles and challenges, as well as potential incentives to step […]

PROTECT partner presentations: The Ghent University

Does the institutional location of states’ asylum agencies matter for the quality of their asylum determination? How does states’ institutional re-shuffling of their asylum agencies affect refugees’ right to international protection? These are the questions that PROTECT’s Belgian team from Ghent University seeks to answer as they study the impact of the Global Refugee and Migration Compacts on the governance of international protection. Leading the research is Professor Frank Castecker, on his team is also Ph.D. fellow, Eva Ecker.