– Dette forsøker forskningen fra PROTECT å svare på I 2021 er det 70 årsjubileum for flyktningkonvensjonen som ble underskrevet i 1951, samtidig er det rekordmange mennesker som er på flukt. I løpet av det siste året har vi sett flyktningleiren Moria bli slukt av flammer. Vi har også sett hvordan COVID-19 har hatt store […]
The continuum of violence and death on the Greek island of Lesvos
Although one might think that death would be the last act of a lethal political game which is played at refugees’ expense and that death itself would serve as a figurative border beyond which violence would not carry on and inflict suffering. My research indicates that violence also continues in death and even beyond the moment of death. Violence continues to be inflicted upon the lifeless bodies which are washed ashore, the unidentified and missing persons, the shipwreck survivors, the families, and even whole communities.
Producing more Morias across Europe? Questioning the Commission’s vision for border procedures
The European Commission’s vision for border procedures includes large hosting centres on the external borders of the European Union’. This strategy risks producing more Morias across Europe.
Graveyards of Human Rights: thoughts on the refugee camps on Lesvos in light of the UNHCR’s 70th ann
Cases of sexual violence inside refugee camps are often presented as if they were tragic accidents, or natural and isolated events. However, sexual violence is endemic to refugee camps and it has escalated over time. Despite these facts, evidence and warnings, refugee populations are systematically abandoned into structurally harmful environments which not only allow, but also create the conditions for such atrocious acts of violence to take place.
A Greek Tragedy in Moria: Asylum Seekers without Durable Solutions
Since the terrible fire at the Moria asylum unit on the Greek island of Lesvos on 8 September the world has been horrified not only by the scale of the disaster but the inadequacy of the response at the local, national, European, and international level. While asylum seekers, with no-where to go, sleep on the […]
The (lack of) EU Migration Policy on fire: What can be learned from the Moria disaster?
The striking images of the fires which devastated the largest migrant camp in Greece last week have circulated across media all over the world and astonished the public. About 13,000 people have lost their shelters, which have allowed them, although in a very uncomfortable way, to survive, far from war and violence. On 10 September, the day after the […]
Disaster Foretold: Refugees in Moria at risk after fires. What now, EU?
As much as the Greek state tries to present the fire and misery that unfolded as an unpredictable event and a state of emergency, this disaster was preventable, foreseeable and, therefore, foretold and avoidable. It is the outcome of a series of inadequate and patchy political decisions as well as the largely exclusionary, discriminatory and deterrent policies that have been implemented within and beyond the EU’s borders.