The impacts of the GRC and the GMC on the governance of international protection: fieldwork studies of governance in practice
Global is not synonymous with abstract or unsubstantial, and migration policies are most strongly felt in sensitive locations. These are the targets of WP4`s bottom-up analysis. By carrying out two rounds of fieldworks in migratory hotspots in Italy, Greece, Spain, France, South Africa and Canada, WP4 analyses how the impact of GRC and GMC is perceived by governance actors and people entitled to international protection, and by the most closely related actors. In the rounds of interviews and back-talk focus groups, the outcome of global changes in protection governance is unfolded by those who experiment with them locally, and in a variety of perspectives. WP4 unveils these with special attention to vulnerability: how are gender, social, sexual, cultural and other vulnerabilities recognized and safeguarded at the field-level? How do Civil Society Organizations, NGOs and INGOs, local authorities and state representatives incorporate these concerns in their governance of protection? And which are the differences in an EU or in a global perspective?
Watch Work Package co-leader Professor Christine M Jacobsen present WP4:
Fieldwork sites:

Work Package 4 is co-led by the University of Bergen and the University of the Witwatersrand.
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