Together with nine other EU-funded research projects, PROTECT is co-organizing a joint policy roundtable on Co-designing an inclusive Europe, with a focus on Migrations and migrants in the EU: changing narratives – modifying practices – influencing policies. The aim is to bring together researchers, practitioners, journalists, and policy-makers to discuss the potential of re-interpreting existing narratives, to present good practices resulting from the ongoing projects, and to inform political decision-making processes. The event will take place at 8.45-16.00 on March 1st, 2022 in Brussels and online on the Microsoft Teams-platform. Please register for online participation here.
Including migrants in the European Union has not been a uniform process and has revealed several obstacles in the path of making the inclusion of people on the move efficient, humane, and dignified. This roundtable aims at sharing the findings from ten Horizon2020 projects on legal protection of refugees and migrants, on the (economic, cultural, political) impact of their presence on local, regional, or European constituencies, on innovative solutions to enhancing cohesion, and on the role of domestic agents.
For more information on the policy roundtable, please visit our website.
08:30 | Morning coffee, tea, and fruit |
08:45 | Welcome Anamaria Dutceac Segesten, Lund University, SO-CLOSE |
9:00 | Research and Migration at the EU level. State of play and future priorities. Michalis Moschovakos, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, D3 – Fair Societies and Cultural Heritage |
09:30 | Europe looking East – introductory remarks on migration and inclusion Róża Thun und Hohenstein, MEP, Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs |
10:00 | Parallel break-out sessions Details will follow |
Session (i) Economic, legal, and social factors and practices of inclusion Moderated by Massoud Sharifi Dryaz, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, SO-CLOSE | |
Session (ii) Fostering exchange and challenging narratives in cultural spaces Moderated by Dominika Kasprowicz, Villa Decius Association, Poland, SO-CLOSE | |
12:00 | Lunch Break |
13:15 | EC Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021 – 2027 and links with AMIF funding 2021-2027 (Union Actions) Luca Barani, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission |
13:35 | Migration and inclusion in practice Abdoulaye Papalaye Seck, Top Manta, Spain |
14:00 | Panel Discussion Moderated by Anamaria Dutceac Segesten, Lund University, Sweden, SO-CLOSE Panel members Ainhoa Flecha (Autonomous University of Barcelona, SO-CLOSE) Alagie Jinkang (University of Bologna, PERCEPTION) Annelies Zoomers (Utrecht University, Welcoming Spaces) Carla de Tona (University of Bologna, MICADO) Damian Boeselager (MEP, LIBE) Evin Incir (MEP, LIBE) Hakan Sicakkan (University of Bergen, PROTECT) Jussi Laine (University of Eastern Finland, MATILDE) Mariona Ferrer Fons (Pompeu Fabra University, CHIEF) Mikel Zorrilla Berasategui (VicomTech, TRACTION) Peter MacDonagh (Q4 Public Relations, FOCUS) Simone Baglioni (University of Parma, SIRIUS) |
16:00 | Concluding remarks Anamaria Dutceac Segesten, Lund University, Sweden, SO-CLOSE |