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Who says what? Studying social media discourses on international protection

Who’s name is mentioned more frequently in social media content related to refuge and migration: Angelina Jolie, Pope Francis, or Donal Trump? Are some refugee groups mentioned more frequently than others? Do social media discussions respond to real world events related to asylum and migration policy? In this vlog, Anamaria Dutceac Segesten presents some of PROTECT’s preliminary results from our research on social media discourses on refugees and migrants.

(Re)visit our 2020 Expert Forums

In November 2020, the PROTECT Consortium organized three separate Expert Forums addressing current protection challenges in three regions of the world: Europe, Canada/North America and South(ern) Africa. We gathered high profile academics, representatives from civil society, NGOs, and IOs with extensive experience in the field, to discuss and evaluate the performance of the Global Compacts on Refugees and Migrants in these three regions.

Minors and shipwrecks in the Mediterranean: a never-ending story

Youssef and Alan are only two of too many children who have lost their lives on the move in recent years. The International Migration Organization (IOM) reported that 337 children have died while migrating in Africa between 2014–2018, 200 of them died as a result of drowning in the Mediterranean sea. However, this number does not reflect the grim reality: according to IOM, over 70 per cent of people whose deaths were reported in the Central Mediterranean between 2014 and 2018 were never found.

Implementing the Marrakesh Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: commentary on the IOM re...

On 11 and 12 November 2020, IOM is hosting a regional meeting of UNECE countries (56 countries in Europe and North America) to examine progress on the Marrakesh Compact. Many states have submitted reports on their actions (though far from all in the region) and many IOs and other stakeholders have made submissions for consideration. In this blog, after examining the structure of the meeting, I will look specifically at the submission by the EU outlining how it has sought to comply with the Compact objectives.

How do we talk about migration and asylum issues on social media?

In social sciences, analysis of media topics is used as a way to identify important political and social issues that circulate in media. Gatekeepers in traditional media like newspapers and television can both emphasize or omit certain aspects, and thus frame issues.  In so doing, they actively shape the discourse of a topic to fit […]

Meet our new(est) colleagues!

Six new researchers have recently joined the PROTECT Consortium: Kudakwashe Vanyoro, Mike Farjam, Pascaline Chappart, Evgenia Iliadou, Nicholas Maple, and Nicolette Busuttil.

Canada’s response to the Global Compact on Refugees: Are we doing enough?

The original version of this blog post was published by The Migration Initiative By the end of 2019, the number of refugees worldwide reached 26 million and it continues to rise. Today, developing countries, such as Turkey and Uganda, host the vast majority of the world’s refugees. Clearly, robust solutions to the plight of refugees have […]

Migration flows to Europe: a new Tunisian exodus

In Tunisia, deterioration of the economic situation, a rising unemployment rate and the reduction of civil rights is currently causing a new flow of Tunisian migrants heading for Italy, seeking both work and safety in Europe. The silent, growing and continuous exodus from Tunisia is a new form of migration and should spark a revision of international norms on international protection and a new form of migration governance aiming at capturing determinants, processes, and outcomes of the actual migration. What can the Tunisian exodus teach us about current protection needs?