The Queen Mary University of London is one of PROTECT’s two UK-based teams. The team is led by the distinguished EU law and migration expert Elspeth Guild, joining her are the aspiring law scholar Kathryn Allinson and Nicolette Busuttil. Together, the team has followed the processes surrounding the UN Compacts on Migrants and Refugees closely and explored their potential in advancing the international protection system.
PROTECT podcast: Securing the rights of refugees and migrants during Corona lockdown – is the intern
In this podcast, Guild explains important principles of international human rights law, and how states seem to be breaking their obligations to the UN Refugee Convention in their handling of refugees and migrants during the worldwide Corona lockdown.
Detention of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants under Corona lockdown risks becoming arbitrary
As the Covid-19 pandemic has tightened its grip on many western states, many refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants continue to be detained in reception and detention centres, without any prospect of release. With asylum processing at a standstill and returns to countries of origin on hold, detention of these individuals risks becoming arbitrary, if not inhumane.
As the Corona pandemic worsens, EU borders shut down: “A new low point for the EU’s respect for refu
Human rights in international law and the EU Charter are not dispensable in times of pandemics. They are essential characteristics and integral to promoting the European Way of Life which “is founded on the values of the respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for the human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities.”
How is the Corona pandemic affecting the lives of refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants in Greece a...
In this blog post Dr. Theofanis Exadaktylos from University of Surrey, UK and Professor Francesca Longo from University of Catania, Italy address the situation for refugees, migrants and asylum seekers in Greece and Italy.
PROTECT in the media
Norway: Admitting asylum-seekers or paying other countries to do so ? EU!RADIO, a dynamic not-for-profit radio station adopting a resolutely European perspective, as part of their weekly ‘Ideas on Europe’ editorial by UACES, the University Association for European Studies, has welcomed Pierre Van Wolleghem, Executive Scientific Coordinator of PROTECT to talk about the future of international refugee […]
How do pandemics and shut borders affect the lives of people on the move? Two Protect researchers sh...
In this blog post, two Protect researchers share their reflections on border control and pandemics. Professor Elspeth Guild reflects upon how shutting Europe’s internal and external borders amidst the Covid19-outbreak might pose a threat to human rights. Professor Frank Caestecker looks at how pandemics throughout history have led to stricter border control and xenophobia. Do Europe’s shut borders pose a threat to human […]