The project welcomes its two new researchers, Claire Linley from Ryerson University and Maja Grundler from the Queen Mary University of London. Liney will contribute to the fieldwork of Work Package 4 in Canada, while Grundler will be involved in the legal research of Work Package 2.
PROTECT partner presentations: The Open University
Simon Usherwood is the Principal Investigator of The Open University and a deputy member of Protect’s Steering Committee. Usherwood’s background in studying eurosceptic groups across Europe overlaps clearly with the Protect objectives, while his very extensive public engagement activities as the former Deputy Director of the ESRC “UK in a Changing Europe” program has given him much experience […]
Who are the PROTECT researchers?
PROTECT partner presentations: The University of Catania
Meet PROTECT’s four researchers from the University of Catania, whose home ground on the island of Sicily is situated at the very front line of the European Union’s migration ports. Through the leadership of Professor Francesca Longo, the team studies the EU’s external migration relations and the impact of the Global Compacts on the work of CSOs and groups in need of international protection in their region.
PROTECT partner presentations: The University of Stuttgart
Two researchers from the Institute for Social Science at the University of Stuttgart, Germany are part of the international PROTECT consortium: Tenure-track Professor, Raphael Heiko Heiberger, and Research Assistant, Sara Schmitt. By applying their knowledge of computational methods, the Stuttgart team will contribute to analyzing how global media discourses on refugee protection and citizens’ attitudes towards the Global Compacts’ burden- and responsibility-sharing aspects shape political decision making.
PROTECT partner presentations: The University of Surrey
The University of Surrey in southern England is one of two UK-based partners that is contributing to Protect in a number of key areas. The team is led by Professor of Politics, Simon Usherwood. Joining him are Surrey colleagues Dr. Alia Middleton, Dr. Theofanis Exadaktylos, and Dr. Evgenia Iliadou.
PROTECT partner presentations: The University of Bergen
The University of Bergen on the southwestern coast of Norway is the leading partner of Protect. The university houses the initiator and project leader of Protect, Professor Hakan G. Sicakkan, as well as the rest of PROTECT’s Coordination and Management Office and Bergen-based researchers. This article dives into the research interests and contributions of the Bergen team.